Therapist Profile


Speciality:         Physical Therapy

Education:        MS, Physical Therapy

Julie Maybach Royal, PT, MSPT

Julie Royal graduated from Virginia Polytechnic and State Institute in 1989 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology. She then obtained her Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy in 1996 from the Medical College of Virginia. She has worked in a variety of PT settings including inpatient therapy in both hospital and rehabilitation settings. She has also worked in different outpatient settings  and home health therapy.

Julie is a Certified Exercise Expert for the Aging Adult, and holds a certification in Leduc Method Lymphedema Management. She has extensive post-graduate training in techniques for myofascial release. She maintains a professional membership in the American Physical Therapy Association.

Her belief in treating each patient as an individual led her to develop and begin the Innovative Physical Therapy clinic, which she founded in 2010. This principal philosophy of individual therapy for each individual remains the emphasis of the clinic.

Julie is a lifelong resident of Warrenton and lives in the old town section only miles away from the clinic she founded. She enjoys spending time with her husband and children in all family activities. She also enjoys gardening, various forms of exercise and playing with her dogs.